Open Source
Model driven
Trusted by
Palau de la Música logo
Mango logo
We Are Water foundation logo
Josep Carreras foundation logo
Model driven
Your website needs to deal with all kinds of content. Woost is built from the ground up to conform to your business needs, not the other way around.
Multilanguage native
Edit translations simultaneously side by side. Setup language chains to cover regional variations or fallback content. Work with external translators using the translation workflow extension.
Page builder
The modern web goes way beyond text and images. Woost allows to build pages from content blocks that you can easily edit and rearrange with drag & drop.
Powerful backoffice
- Automatic image resizing
- Drag & drop file uploads
- Fully customizable listings
- Export to Microsoft Excel
Multiples extensions
- Publish your pages as static files
- Social media integration
- Compose an send newsletters
- Export to PDF
- E-commerce and shopping cart
- And many more...
Robust architecture
- Open source. Developed with Python.
- Deploy in Linux, Windows or Mac
- Highly scalable. Integrated caching
- Extensible and fully scriptable
- Security is a priority. In 10 years our sites have never been compromised.